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Speed Up Your ETL with This Simple Azure Pipeline Trick!

by Mr. Maximus Kiehn
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azure sql etl

As a developer working with lots of data, I know how painful azure sql etl processes can be. 

My team was struggling with long wait times as we extracted data from multiple sources, transformed it, and loaded it into our Azure SQL database for analysis. We needed a scalable solution, fast.

That’s when I discovered Azure Data Factory, a service that lets you create managed data integration workflows called pipelines. 

If you’re looking to optimize, orchestrate, and monitor batch or real-time azure sql etl processes in the cloud, Azure Data Factory is the way to go. After walking through the simple pipeline creation process myself, I was amazed that I hadn’t discovered it sooner!

Getting Set Up is a Breeze

Getting started with Azure Data Factory took no time at all. All I needed was an Azure subscription and a data factory resource. Using the intuitive UI, I easily:

  • Linked all my data sources and data destinations like SQL Server, Blob Storage, etc.
  • Created datasets to represent the data structures
  • Constructed the ETL data pipeline by adding activities for data transfer and transformation
  • Scheduled and monitored the pipeline runs with just a few clicks

And that was it! The data factory handled all my Azure SQL etl processes automatically after that.

My Painful 3-Hour ETL Process Reduced to 20 Minutes!

Previously, just getting data from source systems, manipulating them, and loading to my Azure SQL data warehouse took over 3 grueling hours. And if there was any failure, I had to intervene and restart manually.

With my new data pipeline, I cut ETL time down from 180+ minutes to around 20 minutes or less!

The data factory handles failures gracefully, retries when needed, and I get notifications if anything goes wrong.

My team could focus our energy on data analytics rather than babysitting lengthy data transfers. Having that time back is invaluable when you’re growing a business.

Orchestrate Complex Multi-Step Workflows with Ease

What amazes me most about Azure Data Factory is how I can just drag and drop activities to build even highly complex, multi-step pipelines. Moving and transforming terabytes of data across different file formats and databases is effortless now.

Some of my go-to activities include:

  • Data Movement: Copy data between supported data stores
  • Data Transformation: Transform data using compute services like Azure Databricks
  • Activities: Chains of reusable steps for ingestion patterns

With the visual pipeline editor, everything is configurable through an intuitive GUI.

Get Your Time Back and Unlock Deeper Data Insights

As a busy professional, you need your azure sql etl processes to run reliably on their own. 

With Azure Data Factory, say goodbye to babysitting lengthy data transfers. Instead, let a fully managed, serverless platform do the work while you focus on extracting powerful insights.Don’t waste any more time wrestling with rigid on-premises solutions. Head over to Azure and spin up a future-proof data integration pipeline that scales in minutes – not months. Transform the way you extract, load, and transform data now!

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