Home SharePoint for knowledge base SharePoint Crawls to a Halt: 12 Fixes to Get Your Sites Moving Again

SharePoint Crawls to a Halt: 12 Fixes to Get Your Sites Moving Again

by Mr. Maximus Kiehn
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SharePoint for knowledge base

Sluggish page loads that drive users crazy. If your SharePoint or Office 365 environment fits that description, this guide covers techniques to accelerate performance.

SharePoint for knowledge base offers incredible capabilities for intranets, document management, and centralizing workplace knowledge.

However, complexity and bloat are inherent risks, often slowing performance to a painful crawl.

This guide walks through 12 optimization strategies any SharePoint or Office 365 administrator can use to speed up page loads:

1. Review Site Structure

Avoid deeply nested, convoluted site structures. Ask yourself:

  • Are sites logically organized?
  • Do we have superfluous sites that can consolidate?
  • Are libraries and lists located rationally?

Complex or scattered layouts increase lookup times. Streamline site architecture.

2. Adjust Search Settings

Customized scopes, filters and managed properties solve search relevance issues but drag down speed.

Compare current settings to defaults then dial back customizations. Examine which queries rely on custom elements then determine if degradation is worth the benefit.

3. Prune Site Collections

Evaluate whether all site collections actively provide value. Consider consolidating low-use ones and redirecting users to alternative, relevant destinations.

Delete unused sites. Maintenance overhead doesn’t justify keeping them alive.

4. Deactivate Heavy Custom Code

Custom code adds overhead during page generation.

Profile resource consumption then pinpoint hogs. Assess if disabling piggy solutions can temporarily alleviate slowness while alternatives are explored.

5. Limit Client-Side Scripts

Like custom code, JavaScriptxaxis taxes servers during runtime.

Audit scripts running on page loads then scrutinize true necessity. Are some purely for bells and whistles? Remove or delay loading non-essential scripts.

6. Optimize Image Assets

Photos, graphics and videos bloat pages with multi-megabyte payloads.

Run images through optimization tools to condense file sizes. Convert wasteful .PNGs to .JPEGs. Downsize to appropriate resolutions.

SharePoint for knowledge base

7. Break Up Large Lists

Lengthy lists with thousands of rows or items cripple SharePoint.

Segment users across multiple lists. Filter views to limit returned item quantity. Index bloated columns facilitating search sorting.

8. Reduce Library Scope

Central media or document archives seem like good ideas initially but hamper performance at scale.

Get selective about library content scope. Split broad collections into distinct ones organized by subtype, source department, or site.

9. Install FastTrack Scripts

Microsoft FastTrack solutions like SPOTON apply registry tweaks and scripts eliminating bloat.

Configure SPOTON rules to defer loading heavy web parts, throttle daily usage reports, and disable Ghosting/Prefetch previews bogging down pages.

10. Tune Databases

Run SQL maintenance jobs like checking fragmentation, statistics and index rebuilds. Stack Exchange questions provide DBA advice.

Investigate caching. Add memory to improve physical server specs. SQL bottlenecks impact end-user experiences.

11. Upgrade Plans

With SharePoint Online, Microsoft gradually adds optimizations and new infrastructure.

Evaluate licensing upgrades providing performance-focused plans. The premium CDN-enabled plan boosts page load speeds substantially.

12. Pursue Third Party Tools

Vendors like Avalara, Symity and Rackspace offer purpose-built solutions complementing Microsoft offerings.

Assess tools fitting speed and budget needs around elements like storage optimization, caching, migration assistance and custom development.

The below table summarizes likely root causes and fixes covered above:

Potential CauseFixes
Bloated Site StructureSimplify, Consolidate Sites
Excessive Search CustomizationDial Back Scopes, Filters
Unused Site CollectionsDelete Sites No Longer Needed
Inefficient Custom CodeRemove/Rewrite Energy Hogs
Too Many ScriptsDefer/Eliminate Non-Essential Scripts
Overweight AssetsCompress Image Sizes
Massive ListsSplit Lists, Index Columns
Sweeping Library ScopeTighten Focus, Categorize Better
Database BottlenecksTune SQL, Upgrade Server Hardware
Insufficient ResourcesScale Up SharePoint Online Plan
Gaps In CapabilitiesImplement Specialized 3rd Party Solutions

Target one or two fixes at a time. Monitor speed before and after each round to isolate impact.

Getting SharePoint back up to speed is achievable by methodically addressing performance drags using combinations of the above tactics. Summary: Slow SharePoint performance drives users crazy but is treatable. By simplifying architecture, removing customization drag, right-sizing libraries/lists and upgrading infrastructure, administrators can systematically optimize speed.

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