Home Digital Marketing Where to Focus Your E-commerce Marketing Efforts for Maximum Returns?

Where to Focus Your E-commerce Marketing Efforts for Maximum Returns?

by Mr. Maximus Kiehn
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best ecommerce digital marketing services

Getting lost in the endless array of e-commerce digital marketing services channels can dilute returns. You need to know where to focus for maximum impact.

In this guide, we’ll overview the most lucrative e-commerce marketing strategies based on platforms, campaign types, and key performance indicators.

Follow these tips to allocate budget and resources to the initiatives that will really move the revenue needle.

Double Down on Visual Platforms

Visually engaging ecommerce platforms offer the highest returns per marketing dollar spent. Make Instagram, Pinterest, YouTube, and TikTok the cornerstones of your strategy.

Lean into video content and imagery that showcases your products in real-life settings. Highlight user-generated content and influencer partnerships. And don’t just post your own content – engage actively with customers and strategic hashtags in each channel.

For example, Clevermade increased its Instagram following by 6x and sales 8x through consistent visual content and giveaway promotions. Play to the strengths of each platform and recognize their massive e-commerce potential.

Perfect Your PPC Approach

Pay-per-click ads are tried and true workhorses. Google and Amazon PPC campaigns can efficiently get your products in front of millions of shoppers right when they have buying intent.

Precisely defined audiences, keywords, and negative keywords are a must for maximizing PPC ROI. Set specific campaign goals like lead generation or sales based on the shopper’s path.

Optimize landing pages for conversions. And diligently monitor cost per click, impression share metrics, and return on ad spend (ROAS).

Small PPC optimizations add up. For instance, Leesa revamped keywords and landing pages to lower CPC by 11% and increase conversion rates by over 75%, yielding a 7x ROI. Stay diligent.

Promote High-Potential Products

Not all products have equal earnings potential. Use your e-commerce analytics to identify your most popular and profitable items. Then build targeted campaigns around promoting them.

Send tailored emails promoting best-sellers. Develop lead magnet content highlighting these products. Have influencers feature them. And so on.

When Curated increased Instagram promotion of their top-selling travel backpack from 20% to 80% of posts, monthly sales of that item increased by 66%. Doubling down on proven winners works.

best ecommerce digital marketing services
best ecommerce digital marketing services

Leverage Re-targeting Efforts

Display ads and email retargeting bring back site visitors who didn’t initially convert. These ads showcase products a visitor already expressed interest in by browsing or abandoning their cart.

Retargeting doubles your chances of bringing abandoning visitors back and nudges interested browsers closer to purchase. Just make sure retargeted products and messaging are aligned with their initial interest.

Track Marketing’s Impact on KPIs

Tie your marketing programs directly to core e-commerce KPIs like revenue, conversion rate, average order value, and purchase frequency. Measure the concrete impact of these metrics.

Set up solid attribution tracking and analytics across channels. Quantify how each marketing effort lifts key indicators. This ensures you’re maximizing programs that actually drive business results rather than vanity metrics like reach or follower count.

Recap: Where to Focus for Maximum Returns

Launching scattered e-commerce marketing initiatives dilutes potential. For optimal ROI, remember to:

  • Go all in on visual platforms like Instagram and YouTube which offer massive e-commerce opportunity
  • Perfect high-impact paid search and shopping adsthrough platforms like Google and Amazon
  • Promote proven top-selling items through campaigns customized to those products
  • Bring back abandoning visitors through tailored retargeting ads and emails
  • Rigorously quantify marketing impact on core e-commerce KPIs like revenue and conversion

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