If you are planning a home upgrade or renovation or shifting to a new house, you would surely need new furniture and new appliances. But, that would leave your humongous old appliances like refrigerator, oven, washing machine and air conditioner out in the open. Or it may be lying in the store room taking up space and dust. The question is what to do with your old appliances?
Recycling your old appliance is a very environment friendly option but you should also know that it will be a hassle and huge task. The moving and hauling of heavy old appliance is one thing while the trips to and fro to companies, landfills, recycling centers and numerous phone calls is another.
What Will Happen To Your Old Appliances?

If your old appliances are in good workable condition then you may consider the following options of recycling them.
It is best to donate them to charity as they will come to good use and you will be happy to help someone needy. But make sure they are in good usable condition.
You can also consider selling your old appliances. You have to be prepared that you will not even get half the money of its original price even if your old appliance is hardly used and like new and people generally tend to look for bargains for second hand stuff. You can have a garage sale and sell it. If not then you can consider selling it online on eBay or Craigslist, this way you will saved form the pick and drop.
If selling like this seems difficult then you can contact your local retailer if they are willing to buy or you can also contact the company and ask them to pick it from your pace. You will be able to earn some cash sitting at home.
The Fate of Old Appliances
If your old appliances have become obsolete, outdated, or is broken or pose hazards, then it is not in workable condition. For this you will have to properly recycle and dispose. Why? Because if these appliances are thrown in landfills they can pose environmental hazards. Appliances such as refrigerators and ACs contain coolants and hydrochloroflourocarbons (HCFC) which can release and in the atmosphere and cause the depletion of ozone layer and global warming. So, what to do with them?
You can disassemble the parts like scrap, metal, chords and motor and give a new life to these things and also bring a positive impact on the environment. But this will take up a lot of your time and energy.
You can call the recycling centers and ask them to take care of it and they will responsibly disassemble and properly dispose and use the recyclables.
The best option is to call in a junk service and ask them to pickup from your place and get it recycled. However, always settle the junk removal Austin cost before booking.
You can do it by contacting and them and giving them details on the stuff you want removed. They will give a junk removal Austin pricing. You can then agree with the promise of no hidden charges.
Recycling our old appliances will make you a responsible citizen, save the environment and also conserve resources for future generations. For new ones, invest in eco-friendly appliances.