Home Home Improvement Things You Should Know About Austin Bulk Collection

Things You Should Know About Austin Bulk Collection

by Mr. Maximus Kiehn
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Austin Resource Recovery collects trash items from their customers twice a year, items that are too large for their trash carts to carry and this is what is known as Austin Bulk Collection. There are scheduled for what day you can put your trash out and there is a list of which items that you can put out in Austin Bulk Collection. There are bulk collection points where the residents put their trash and drivers in pickup trucks collect piles from the neighborhood. They also try to find if anything is salvageable. We describe below how this whole thing works.

How to Find the Bulk Collection Schedule?

If you are an Austin citizen and want to find your schedule for the bulk collection, go to Austin Resource Recovery’s website, click on the My Schedule box, and type your address. Then you will be able to see your schedule for trash, yard trimming, recycling, bulk collection, etc. They have made it easier to find by making the options color-coded. Generally, bulk collection and large brush collection happen twice a year, recycling happens every other week, and yard trimming and trash happen every week.

What Will the Bulk Collection Collect and What Won’t It?

On that same website, you can see a link named “What Do I Do with?” If you type what kind of trash you want to get rid of there, they will tell you how you should. We will give you a list of the things they do collect: doors, carpet, pallets, furniture, appliances, lawnmowers, car tires, etc. The things that they don’t collect include cardboard boxes, mirror, household trash, brush, etc. Remember that this is not a comprehensive list, and just because they don’t collect an item in the bulk collection day, doesn’t mean they don’t collect it on other trash removal day.

How Do You Place Your Items on the Curb?

The best way to place your items are placing them 5 feet away from your trash cans, mailbox, walls, fences, cars. Don’t put them in an alley or in a container, or large box. There are three piles: metal, tires, nonmetal.

What Do They Do with The Bulk Collection Items?

Most items are thrown into landfills. They try to recycle as much as they can but usually scrap metal and appliances are gone before the trash collection comes to get it.

Why Does It Take So Long?

Bulk Collection routes are long; every route covers an area between 6,000 to 14,000 households. This is a lot and that’s why it takes them a while.

Why Don’t They Take a Particular Item?

As mentioned earlier, they take different items on different “junk pick up near me” days. If your item still doesn’t get taken in any day, usually it’s because the item is a hazardous waste, for instance, paint. If you want to dispose of this, take it to the Recycle and Reuse Drop-Off Center.


Austin Bulk Collection is a tremendous method to get the city rid of its unwanted waste. Austin residents should take full advantage of it and keep their city and household cleaners.

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